This small Excel program lack the macros and only formulas have been used.
This Excel program for companies is made to be a Work Calendar in which it is recorded the names of the employees, their holidays and the Bank holidays.
Individual clients can use it as a family birthday calendar.
In the first sheet, tab we mark the workers holidays and it is very practical in particular for business departments with few employees.
We can show you an example:
Knowing that some Bank Holidays take place always the same dates like the first of January or May the first we can use formulas such as :
- =DATE(YEAR(NOW();1;1) for the new year
- =DATE(YEAR(NOW();5;1) for the first of May
In such a way that when we modify the range, the xYEAR cell sheet will always show the year we have wanted.
Other examples like Good Friday are somehow more difficult:
- =DOLLAR(“4/“&YEAR(NOW()))/7+MOD(19*MOD(YEAR(NOW());19)-7;30*14%;)*7-6 For Easter Day
- =(FLOOR(DATE(NOW());5;DAY(MINUTE(YEAR(NOW())/38)/2+56));7)-36)+3 For Easter Monday
In the Validations Sheet we can put the name of the staff of our company as well as the days they will take for holidays.
It is not necessary to reset the Book every year, just to add the dates of the new holidays.
The To Print Sheet as well as the Calendar Sheet can be used to be placed in the notice board of our company.
By manipulating any of these Sheets we can also know any birth date.
Finally, through the Information Sheet we can learn how to use this Book.
Our Excel experts can help you make any modifications to the Work Calendar that you consider necessary to suit your company needs.